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Two Very Important Events


These two very important events are happening on Monday and Tuesday night. We hope this reaches you in time. You can’t really miss the horse race in Senate District 14 or all the dish on Vista Ridge dumping (wasting) the most expensive water in Texas, can you? Heck no!

  1. Monday night, June 22, 7 pm, is a Zoom Candidate Forum with the two leading Democrats running in a six-way race on July 14th in the special election for Senate District 14. If you live in Travis or Bastrop County, you’re likely in this district.

Click here for call details and to see 4 of the 6 candidate’s answers to LIV’s extensive questionnaire about electoral, water and waste reforms. (Note: LIV does not endorse candidates.)

  1. Tuesday night, June 23, 6:30 pm, LIV and SAWS Act PAC, are holding this conference callPutting the Public Back Into Public Utilities“. Get the facts to date on why the Vista Ridge (the San Antone Hose) has continued its quest to thwart proper management of our most precious resource.

Reply to this message if you want to join the call. We need your name and phone number.

Be sure to read LIV’s breaking news article, The SAWS Press, No Press Conference if you missed it last week. It’s a doozy!

LIV News coming soon: Shark for Democracy, Mark Cuban, decides not to run in 2020, but all bets are off for 2024. What does this mean for millions of Texas independents?

PS We recommend this Austin Bulldog article, “Donors gave big bucks to Democrats in SD 14 Election”

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