LIV will not tell you — indies in this election — who to vote for in this election.
But, would you mind taking this 3 minute, 10 question anonymous to tell us YOUR thoughts about this election?
HEADS UP! Special Outdoor, IN-Person curbside petition event in San Antonio, the poorest and most economically segregated metro area in the US. In the midst of economic downturn, a seemingly unbreakable alliance between officials and real estate speculators and their lobbyists — with water as their pivotal subsidy — is telling ratepayers and landowners we can, for all intents and purposes, DROP DEAD. Maybe they don’t see the San Antonio food bank lines pictured here.
This is why there is a growing cross-partisan movement of citizens with some BIG differences who are actually working together to do the seemingly impossible: Petitioning during this pandemic for a public vote to put the public back into two wayward public utilities: SAWS and CPS Energy.
Both drives are also all volunteer — we’re as homegrown as it gets!

Curbside petitions for SAWS and CPS reforms!
Join us at our joint curbside/drive-thru petition signing event THIS Saturday, October 3, 11-3 PM in the SAWS Parking Lot, 2800 US 281.
Reply to this message with your name and phone number, if you’d like to volunteer at early polls between Oct, 13-30th. We will give you the training, support and gear you need to be effective AND stay safe.
Only registered San Antonians may sign, but anyone can circulate these petitions.
Come get some on Saturday to circulate on your own.
Can’t make it? Donate whatever you can, IF you can.