Who will take on Texas imperial governance?

Sen. Kel Seliger, R- Amarillo
The Inimitable State Senator Kel Seliger (R-Amarillo)
One of the few independent Republicans is Amarillo’s State Senator Kel Seliger. Seliger is well-known as a conservative and a maverick. In his West Texas style, Sen. Seliger introduced a bill to take away Abbott’s line-item veto. Seliger tweeted,
“Vetoing this funding doesn’t punish legislators who left. It punishes regular hard-working folks who have nothing to do with voting for or against bills. We now have less than 4 weeks before the veto eliminates pay for Capitol post office staff, researchers, caseworkers in district offices, those responsible for answering open record requests, etc…They have not left their posts but are worried about health insurance, rent, and paying for their children’s school supplies.”
Egberto Willies, the most inclusive progressive political activist!
Egberto is a fantastic author, blogger, commentator, businessman, software engineer, and pure political activist with a big brain and a heart of gold. Based out of Houston, he reaches tens of thousands of people every day across the country.
A recent caller into Egberto’s Politics Done Right Show was a man who furiously called him the “n” word. Egberto and the caller left the call as friends.
LIV wishes to thank Egberto for carrying LIV news on his popular national blog at EgbertoWillies.com. Tune in to his show at 3 pm, M-F, and to do the cross-partisan Egberto jig at PoliticsDoneRight.com. Here’s LIV’s Linda Curtis with Egberto on, “Politics Done Right.”