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Tuesday Big Squeeze FORUM, Wednesday urgent meeting in Lee County!


This coming Tuesday’s Big Squeeze Virtual LIV Forum is not to be missed.

There’s also an urgently important in-person meeting in Lee County, Wednesday night and more in a region. 

So far as we can see today (after last night’s Texas House deliberations on SB 3, the energy DEform bill) and what was “allowed” to come forward by Sen. Charles Perry on water, we have a ‘melluva-hess’ session on our hands.

We’ll see on sine die (the session’s end, May 31st), what comes out of the sausage maker, but “the bidness lobby” has always had the upper hand.

BUT, don’t stop making calls. Hope springs eternal.

Tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 25th, at 7 pm, join us for The Big Squeeze Virtual Forum.  LIV has two stellar advisors – Michele Gangnes and Mark Miller, who will give us their best on what’s happening with energy and water. Call us at 512.213.4511 or send an email to us at for instructions on how to join us. Go to the event page for details here.In case you missed it, read the update by clicking here for our LIV Water Page.Also, to prepare on energy, click here to read, “Texas electricity bailout means a child not yet born could pay for February’s disaster as an adult,” by Dave Lieber, the Dallas Morning News Watchdog who tells it like no other.

Urgently Called Meeting this Wednesday in Lee County! Mark Your Calendars – May 26, June 10, June 14

  1. Live in San Antonio? Visit our San Antonio page to see who is running in Council runoffs (early voting started today) who supports cleaning up SAWS and an audit of Vista Ridge. Got time to volunteer? Call 210.807.7273. Visit our San Antonio page here and share away!

  1. THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT, May 26, 7 PM, URGENT IN PERSON MEETING for Lee Countians: Location: American Legion Hall: 304 Rockdale St. (that the same as Loop 123) , Lexington, Texas. This urgently important meeting is for Lee County residents, especially those with wells near Lexington and in the surrounding area — called by the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District. If you or someone you know has been having a problem with well drawdown, please come. If you want to help, please come. By all accounts that we respect, the concern is that Vista Ridge (the San Antone Hose) is simply pumping too much water too fast. SO, on that note please also mark your calendars for the June 10th meeting listed below if you’re in GMA-12. More below.

  2. June 10, 2 pm — online an via phone. Is the first public hearing (again, it’s virtual and call-in) on the GMA-12 (ten counties east of Austin) on the “desired future conditions”. Hearing notice by the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District here and our own details provided for you here.

  3. June 14th LIV virtual forum, “Are independents just swing voters?” Speaker suggestions for this topic are welcome and we hope to surprise you.

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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