This affects all Texans regardless of your party or location.

Central Texans’ affordability and quality of life is under siege by water profiteers and their minions in government who believe subsidizing in-migration growth carries no consequences. Check out our Costs of Growth page here.
A powerful river authority in Central Texas, the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), has applied for a mega-groundwater permit to get in on the ever-expanding Siege on the Simsboro Aquifer east of Austin.
The precedent the Siege may set for groundwater resource mismanagement in Texas is not to be under-estimated. It is potentially damaging as Hurricane Harvey but slower and longer lasting.
Take a moment to read this entire message. This is a long and difficult fight. Watch the video we released in 2015. And try your best to join us at these events below:
CENTRAL TEXAS URGENT WATER ALERT! You’re invited to these two urgently important events in Bastrop.
Thursday, September 13, 4:30 & 7 pm, American Legion, 3003 Hwy. 150, Bastrop, TX — but please reserve a seat by calling 512-333-0252 or sending an email to! This Community Meeting is for all those who want to fight this permit. Co-sponsored by the Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund and Friends of Bastrop Water: If you wish to contest the LCRA permit, you must file your intentions to do so no later than September 21st, 5 days before the public hearing! Come to this meeting! More details here.
Wednesday, September 26, 7 pm: HEARING on the LCRA permit at the Bastrop Convention Center, held by the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District. Don’t allow the escalation of the “California Water Model.” Moving precious groundwater to fuel no-holds-barred in-migration growth as fostered by the real estate lobby — harm our water supply, our affordability and our quality of life. Hearing details pack the house on September 26th!
Meanwhile, it is no coincidence…
…that the Mayors of two major Texas cities — San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Austin Mayor Steve Adler — are attacking citizens petitions on the ballot in November:
San Antonio and Austin voters can put a stop to this, just inform your voting friends. See the petition fights going on in San Antonio here and in Austin here.
The League of Independent Voters does not endorse candidates, but we know YOU do with your vote.
Bring your concerns with you to the polls after you read How to Organize Texas Independents and talk to your officials and favorite candidates.
Share this email from our website here.
Like us on Facebook and ask your friends to do the same!
Become a dues paying member of LIV! Only a united Texas can put a stop to this madness in the 2019 legislative session. We’re getting ready to show you how, Texas!