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Release: Texas Populists Building Independent Rural-Urban Alliance to Protect Water, Land and Electi


For Immediate Release

Texas Populists Building Independent Rural-Urban Alliance to Protect Water, Land and Elections

Bastrop, TX, 6:00 am:  Leaders of the non-partisan, non-profit League of Independent Voters of Texas (LIV) put out the call for Texans to help disengage citizens from partisan warfare and to unite across urban and rural Texas to protect their common and vital interests — water, land, and elections. They will be joining hands at the Texas Capital on Friday, March 24th for Our Water, Our Land, Our Elections Lobby Day, followed the next day by the “Texas Populism Conference: Building the Independent Rural-Urban Alliance” at McKinney Roughs Nature Park in Cedar Creek.

Samantha “Sam” Davis, a former senior staffer for the Bernie Sanders Presidential campaign and new to the LIV Board, said, “The power of populism lies in our ability to unite people to take the power away from those who are set to do real and permanent harm to future generations. Protests are a show of people power, but chances are that you’re still going to have limited or no choice when you walk into the voting booth. That is what we need to change.”

Simsboro Aquifer activist and LIV Board member, Michele Gangnes, said, “The water grid that we called Gridzilla in the last session is back on steroids. At the same time opposition to mass transport of groundwater, also known as the California Water Model, is mounting among ordinary citizens. Landowners don’t want their water taken on the cheap for real estate deals and urbanites don’t want to be saddled with more and more costs of growth. It’s time to unite, regardless of who we voted for last November.”

Calvin Tillman, City Council member of the small town of Aubrey and LIV Board Member

said, “Eminent domain for private gain has rural Texans fit to be tied with 9,000 entities that can seize private land. Though we strongly support the reforms carried in this session by Texans for Property Rights, they are not near enough to deal with the cronyism in state agencies that has put rural and urban citizens in the crosshairs of the war between the two parties.”

Both events will cover signature issues at the League of Independent Voters and Texans for Electoral Competition – an ad hoc coalition involving LIV, the Libertarian, Green and Constitution parties, Left Up to Us and Texans for Accountable Government dedicated to:

  1. Ending the water grabs,

  2. Stopping eminent domain for private gain, and

  3. Opening up our electoral process to competitive elections, thereby freeing the millions of Texans who call themselves simply “independent” to exercise their power as voters for change.

More information can be found at or by calling LIV at 512-213.4511.

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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