Congratulations to all the candidates running in the first round of voting for City Council.
There are three in the four runoffs who are pledged to support the Vista Ridge Resolution: Greg Brockhouse in the Mayor’s race. Jada Andrews-Sullvan in District 2 and Adriana Garcia in District 4. It’s also not too late for challengers running in any of these races or in the District 6 runoff to come on board, so keep working on them! There is a recount going on in District 2 (Express News Article here) as requested by Denise Gutierrez-Homer, who is also an endorser of the Vista Ridge Resolution.
►Now we want to make sure to ask all the candidates where they stand on “Pay to Play.” We’ll be discussing this on at our next meeting THIS COMING Monday night, May 13th, at 7 pm, at the Transit Worker’s Union Hall, 1901 N. Flores.
►We will also discuss the May 16th hearing at City Hall on Water Impact Fees and some terrible trends seen at the Legislature led by the SAWS Lobby Team.
We wish to thank the good folks who spoke with intelligence and heart at the SAWS Board meeting this last
Tuesday. Click on the picture window to watch them in action first up on the agenda.
Are you an independent voter? That is, do you vote for the person not the party? Come ready to pay your dues and become a member and help us get the San Antonio Chapter of LIV ready…set…and go!
Bring friends on Monday, won’t you. Just forward this message or sharing our events page.
Got questions? Reply to this message or give us a call, y’all!
Independently yours, San Antonio!
PS BTW, have you yet shared our online petition about the Vista Ridge Resolution and Pay to Play? Please go to the Membership tab at