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Miss the Forest for the Trees on Vista Ridge

You know how sometimes, in the middle of a fight, you miss the forest for the trees? We did that on Vista

Majority of San Antonio's chambers backing SAWS rate hike plan, San Antonio Business Journal

Majority of San Antonio’s chambers backing SAWS rate hike plan, San Antonio Business Journal

Ridge. Check it out:

San Antonio Water System has yet to explain — or remedy — the loss of 32 million gallons per day of water in the SAWS system. Meanwhile, at the behest of the real estate lobby, the San Antonio City Council is about to vote on 50%+ rate hikes mostly dedicated to purchase 44 million gallons per day of NEW water — Vista Ridge.*

San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor needs to have her phone ringing off the hook today before the vote tomorrow — as well as appropriate City Council members.

Here’s the number:  210.207.7040

Click on the picture to read “San Antonio Water System is being backed by six local chambers” in the San Antonio Business Journal.

Is it not time — long overdue — for a united movement of rural, suburban and urban Texans to cut off the perpetual hogs at the public trough?

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We’ll be at the Council meeting at 114 W. Commerce tomorrow at 9 am. You can also watch online at:

PS The rates are spread out over 5 years. Just note that SAWS has yet to say what their plan is after 2020.

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