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Love Letter to Texas about Claytie Williams, Charles Perry and Mr. Balkanizer.


Watch this extraordinary touching 3-minute video from West Texas

filmmaker Kirby Franklin Warnock. ==►

Did you see who’s helping water bully, Claytie Williams, in his quest to export water from Ft. Stockton, recently denied by a court? Why, it’s “Mr. Balkanizer” who now chairs Texas House Natural Resources Committee. Be sure to watch that last frame — it would be hilarious if if weren’t too true.

Meanwhile, Sen. Charles Perry, who chairs Senate Ag, Water and Rural Affairs, suddenly sprang this bill (HB 1172) on food growers’ local control to protect their crops and local citizens. Perry files it late, gives himself a quick hearing in HIS OWN Committee and he calls that fair? Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance wants you to take action on this bull.

Listen up, people. We don’t have to put up with this.

Do this, por favor!

  1. Call Senator Charles Perry (512-463-0128) and Rep. Lyle Larson (512-463-0646). Tell the staffer who answers the phone that you would appreciate it if Rep. Larson or Sen. Perry would please stop abusing their authority.

  2. Register for Our Water, Our Land, Our Elections Lobby Day now and come to the Capitol on Friday, March 24. We’ll get you all set to visit your reps.

  3. Register for the Texas Populism Conference: Building the Independent Rural-Urban Alliance now for Saturday, March 25 in Cedar Creek!

Want to talk directly with your representatives? Find them here.

One more thing. Share this message, won’t you?

PS Hey San Antonio, we’re co-sponsoring an event about Vista Ridge on April 6. Check our events calendar and please share!

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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