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Indy Burr Under Mayes' & Charlie's Saddles: Kill SB1705

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

Maybe we political country bumpkins just don't get it.

Why would certain GOP big-wigs want to give $18 million every two years, $9 million each to the Libertarian and Green parties, to make them have a primary instead of allowing them to pay for their own nominating conventions? (See the fiscal note on SB1705 here.)

SB 1705's original author is Texas Senator Mayes Middleton (R-Galveston). Now, Senator Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown, including many rural counties starting with Bastrop) is a co-author. Does Schwertner not have enough of a headache going on as the chair of the powerful Sunset Commission?

What are these guys trying to pull? As the first speaker on SB1705, Art DiBianca points out, the Libertarian Party of Texas is not nearly big enough to handle a primary like either of the major parties. Our own Linda Curtis for LIV pointed out that the minor parties, in a two-party system, need time to grow. The Texas Democratic Party started in 1846. The Republican Party of Texas was founded in 1867. The Libertarian Party of Texas was founded in 1971.

ACTION PLEASE! It will take you 3 minutes!

Find your State Senator here. Senate Bill 1705 just came out of the State Affairs Committee on a vote of 8 to 3. We have no idea how long it will take to get to the Senate floor. So right now, including over the weekend, please send an email message to your State Senator or just call and leave a message to urge him or her to help kill SB 1705.

We here at LIV believe the primaries are private matters within the parties themselves. Texas taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize any party primary. Let the parties fund their own primaries or conventions and have the state fund the general election. End of story.

Farm and Food Update from FARFA

Are you hot-to-trot like LIV for local foods? Please read the latest from the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance here and follow their action requests.

Thank you!


Apr 07, 2023

Using state funds 4 this purpose is a cheap way 4 "progressive" votes 2 b taken away from Democrat party votes. Best step is for all progressive groups to band under one coalition umbrella led by largest party, the D party.

Apr 30, 2023
Replying to

You may be missing the point here. It's the Libertarian Party that is the most well-established minor party in Texas. I think Mayes' and Charlies' obsession with forcing them into a primary is to better manipulate their nominations. Why would they be doing that? Because the state is, in fact, becoming more competitive between the Ds and Rs. The Rs aren't going to take any chances allowing the Libertarians to "swing" an election to a Democrat.

Besides this, any coalition is just that -- a coalition. No one is going to get under anyone's "umbrella."

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