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Back in the Saddle Again…in Jeddo


This mes

sage is a community alert involving an area where these four counties converge — Bastrop, Caldwell, Fayette & Gonzales (in the Jeddo community). (This late notice was unavoidable, sorry!)

We here at the non-profit League of Independent Voters of Texas are back in the saddle again both in Jeddo and getting ready for the 2017 legislative session. The session just started yesterday!

A groundwater permit hearing has been called by the Plum Creek Conservation District for 1 pm on Tuesday, January 17, at 1101 W. San Antonio, Lockhart, Texas. The hearing is about two planned wells in the Jeddo area to move 4700 acre-feet of groundwater to the San Marcos and Kyle areas.

Join us THIS Saturday at 10 am at the Delhi Community Center 6108 Highway 304, Rosanky, TX 78953 (just south of Hwy. 713, on TX-304) If you cannot make it Saturday, call us or join us at the hearing Tuesday. Please help us reach these landowners or anyone interested. Are you or do you know any of these 500 landowners who could be affected?  Click here for Bastrop here for Caldwell, here for Gonzales and here for Fayette counties.

Remember, the League is an all-volunteer membership organization. We do not endorse candidates, though we do hold candidate forums and we do engage in citizen engagement in policy and legislative decisions. Our key goals this year are the same — to protect water and land resources and to increase electoral competition. This session, on the heels of this highly contentious election, may provide some surprising openings IF we organize ourselves together outside the warring parties.

Mark Your Calendars for the first statewide conference call:  Wednesday, January 25, 8 pm. Reply for call-in instructions.

Watch for more real news real soon and please share this message from our website here or here from our Facebook page. Thank you!

New Years resolutions you might really keep: join or re-up your membership in the League and ask your friends to join our email list or facebook network.

Saddle up or be saddled, y’all.

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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