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What do you do when


What do you do when a critical resource for our present and future generations is endangered? Do you ignore it, sit on your hands, or even help the perpetrators?

This is the essence of what far too many officials have done, so far, about Vista Ridge…aka the San Antone Hose.  Vista Ridge, scheduled for pumping in April 2020, is the most imminent threat to the water supply of Texas yet.

It is hosing SAWS ratepayers with unnecessary 52% rate hikes, and taking the rights of the landowners who are supposed to own the groundwater underlying them in Burleson, Milam, Lee and Bastrop counties.

The 50,000 acre-feet Vista Ridge mega-permit is a threat to the aquifers in Burleson, Milam, Lee and Bastrop counties. (See our copiously detailed 10-page document released to media and local and state officials last week.)

Believe it or not, these guys are coming back to the overly permissive Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District on October 3 for even more water for Vista Ridge!

Just as they are relentless, so must we be.  Please join us to prepare for the October 3rd hearing and for other opportunities to fight Vista Ridge, at a local residents’ and landowner’ meeting.

Can’t make it, this Saturday? Please make plans to come to the October 3rd hearing before the POSGCD Board on this permit amendment.  If you have a registered well in Burleson or Milam, you may be able to be recognized as an “affected person” and seek a contested case hearing.

NOTE:  If you want to contest this permit demand, you must file papers to contest this permit by no later than SEPTEMBER 26TH. CALL US FOR DETAILS AT 512-213-4511 or send a message to Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund at:

We also recommend you read the cover letter about this issue we sent to area officials. We know some are very sympathetic and want to help. Urge them to reach other state officials, including the Governor. And you do the same.

Find your state officials here and call the Governor’s hotline at 512.463.2000. Urge them to call for a full audit of the Vista Ridge Project and to rein in SAWS!

Thank you for our future generations! Hoping to see you on this coming Saturday, September 21 and on October 3.

Got questions? Reply to this message or give us a regular lil’ ol’ phone call at 512.213.4511.

P.S. Have you taken our Independent Voter Survey yet? Go to our home page and take it, already, por favor!

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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