Our 9 am conference call this Saturday will focus on Texas Election Reform and led by Tom

Tom Glass
Glass. Reply for the conference call details.
We hope to see you this coming Monday, in Austin, in Cedar Creek on Wednesday and in Lockhart on Thursday…all detailed below.
Use these new pages on our site to do what you can from home in this legislative session — keep checkin’ back as it’s about to get VERY busy with hearings:
Did you know that 92 bills have been filed on groundwater? Use our new page on Water Bills — do the action requests!
Eminent Domain — Sen. Lois Kolkhorst’s SB 474 can use your push to get it out of the State Affairs Committee.
You gotta watch Tom Glass’ testimony on our behalf last Monday, on our new Election Reform page. Glass puts both party leaders — and their party machines — to shame defending straight party ticket voting!
Our main page for this legislative session — 2015 Lege Session — reviews our participation in a number of legislative coalitions and goals for this session. It includes things you can do, online or by phone, to help defend our water, local control, local foods and more.
Meet us in Austin this Monday for these statewide events!
Monday, March 23 — Toll-Free Texas Day, starts at 9 am. Terri Hall has asked us to REGISTER NOW!
Monday, March 23 — Stop House Bill 40 Hearing; Support Local Control!, 2 pm. (bring a fork to signify a pitchfork!)
Come to these local events!
Wednesday, March 25, 6:30 pm, Cedar Creek Chapter of the League Founding Meeting!
Thursday, March 26, 10 am, preliminary contested case hearing on the dump in Caldwell County.
Bastrop/Lee County Update:
The Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District, after months of due deliberation, made a decision to appoint Clifton Seidel to the seat vacated by Ken Daughtry — who is missed! Mr. Seidel was born and raised in Bastrop County, is a landowner and has a committment to local control of groundwater. Though we regret that our highly qualified friend, Phil Cook, did not receive this appointment, we wish Mr. Seidel all the best. (Photo: l to r, Karen Seidel, wife, Clifton Seidel, Sharlotte Seidel, sister, Elaine Seidel, mother and former Bastrop County Commissioner, and Sharon Foerster, sister. Mr. Seidel owns property in Rosanky and lives in Tahitian Village.)