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Can Linda and horse, Whistle, move from third to first place?


Linda Curtis was pretty sure Whistle's hair hadn't been done yet (as seen in this picture) and she was riderless when the judges came by at the terrific Oktoberfest in Dime Box last Saturday. Whistle came in third in the horse beauty contest. Her rider, Linda, is in a three-way race as an independent candidate for House District 17 -- Bastrop, Burleson, Caldwell, Lee and Milam counties.

Linda wondered out-loud how she and Whistle can move from third place to first place by Election Day, November 8.

LIV Board Member, Arlan Foster, who self-identifies as both an independent and a gambler, said,

"Nobody expected Rich Strike to even come close to winning the this year's Kentucky Derby. The horse didn't just get lucky. His trainer and jockey held the horse back to save up energy for a mad dash to the finish line. In Linda's case, as an independent she had to start late. Can she come through with a final burst to a first place finish on November 8th? Linda is our -- independent's -- Rich Strike. I'm betting on her and doing all I can to help."

Please note that Linda has many hats, including being our chief "bottle washer" here at LIV, who also serves on our Advisory Board. She is also known as "Petition Queen." The Petition Queen launched a petition to "Stop the Water Grabs." now parked at her website at The petition is designed get Texans across the state ready for the mad dash to the Legislature in January 2023. This is where we all will be working to protect our water resources and to broaden electoral competition.

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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