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SAWS CEO Robert Puente Revealed


San Antonio Water System CEO Robert Puente, revealed today in this interview

on Texas Public Radio that the bank lenders to Abengoa Vista Ridge are “not cooperating” with the new life breathed into Vista Ridge. Now that Abengoa has failed misterablly to perform, SAWS crony Garney Construction, quickly stepped into the breach to make it all better and build the pipeline. But a funny thing happened on the way back to the banks. There was the little matter of a $120 million loan from those same lenders that Abengoa had taken out to pay for the San Antone Hose pipe. The $120 million went to Abengoa, but where did the pipe go? Puente reportedly said it’s nowhere to be found.

We have our own question for CEO Puente. When can we stop pretending?

Show up this Friday in Burleson County. We have plans for you!

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