This San Antonio water pipeline sounds the alarm to any community in Texas that wants to
protect their aquifers from sharks — the sharks in the Chamber of Commerce who want YOUR water for unbridled growth and its intimate partner…unaffordability.
San Antonio Water Systems is set this Monday to ink a $3.3 BILLION water grab from counties 140-miles to their northeast. The good news is this has to go to the San Antonio City Council, so it’s not a done deal.
Robert Puente, SAWS CEO, was against this bad deal for San Antonio’s ratepayers until the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce decided they “own” the utility and put their foot down. Don’t believe us — read this.
JOIN tomorrow’s (Saturday) conference call tomorrow at 9 am. (Reply for call instructions)Step up to the plate to make some calls from home and come to the Alamo City with us on October 2nd! We also need funds to pay for a bus San Antonio. Donate on our website or send us a check but let us know it’s on the way.

You might also read my letter to the editor about the Hays County water forum last week: Well Meaning People Can Still Poison Your Well.
We have the other central Texas water grabs on hold. The SAWS deal needs to be put on hold too until the ratepayers and the Council have a chance to review the contract.