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San Antonio election like Chinatown (the movie) without the sex BUT with the mayhem.


New LIV Board Member, San Antonio architect, Ellen Berky, is hilarious. This is what she said about the debate going on in San Antonio on citizen propositions A, B and C:

“The real estate lobby and its henchmen in the public realm have the city so thoroughly divided it’s like Chinatown (the movie) except without the sex and mayhem. Actually, strike half of that. We have got the mayhem – just not intelligent and informed debate.”

What is happening in San Antonio politics is actually a little closer to the movie, The Shining.

The City Hall political establishment — you know, the same guys and gals who rammed the Vista Ridge/San Antone Hose on all of Central Texas — is aflame to stop three measures placed on the ballot through petitions led by the Firefighters. Props A, B and C (Details Here).

The League of Independent Voters is really keen on Prop A — fair petition requirements. Prop A is truly a gift by the San Antonio Firefighters to the community. If San Antonio citizens had fair petition requirements in 2014, we could have petitioned for a public vote on a $3.4B, 142-mile pipeline mega-water and wallet grab. Instead, SAWS (San Antonio’s water utility) ratepayers are faced with a rate hikes for an unnecessary project while SAWS ushers in the California Water Model. Guess what, Texans. California continues to reel in self-induced water crisis and now struggles to reverse 50-years of failed groundwater policy.

Join us at a civil and fair debate moderated by Brendan Gibbons of the Rivard Report. “Yes or No on Prop A Debate on Vista Ridge” (Read our release here.) Tuesday, October 16, 7 to 8 pm, followed by a Cruz/O’Rourke Debate Watch 2300 Avenue B, San Antonio 78215 * Pan American Golf Association Clubhouse Due to limited seating, we suggest you show up early. Event details here. Invite your Facebook friends from here.


JOIN OUR TUESDAY NOON PRESS CONFERENCE! In front of SAWS. Bring your own homemade sign. Noon sharp! 2800 U.S. Hwy 281 North, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (At the Customer Service Center…see map here)

We hope to see you this coming Tuesday at either or both of these important events. Read our media release here.

We also just received LIV Advisory Committee member Mark Miller’s third and final installment of “The Question to End Two Party Rule.” Nice work, as usual, professor!

PS Though it might seem that the San Antonio election is like Chinatown (the movie), it’s probably much closer to the movie, The Shining. Ya think?

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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