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RIP Alan Arkin: The Russians Came and Went


Updated: Jul 6, 2023

Film poster for the film, The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!
Alan Arkin in The Russians Are Coming!

Actor, comedian, and supreme ad-libber, Alan Arkin died last week. Some of us took the opportunity to celebrate his life by watching the film released during the Cold War in 1966 that jettisoned Arkin's career. The hilarious "The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming," was a smash hit. It also hit a nail in these times.

Besides the performances of the legendary cast -- almost all of them long gone from this world -- is the comic relief in America's conflicted relationship with the "Ruskies." In the film, the Russians came and went, peacefully.

Click on the picture to watch the 4-minute trailer. The full film can be viewed on Tubi.

Farewell and sail on, Alan Arkin.

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