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Next Stops on Vista Ridge Tour


Next stops on the “Stop Vista Ridge” tour:

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► THIS coming Monday, 6:30 pm, College Station, Wellborn Community Center, 4119 Greens Prairie Rd (more here)

► THIS coming Tuesday, San Marcos Library, 2 Civic Center Drive (more here)

<=====  Don’t forget FARFA! (more here)

Report on Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District meeting last Wednesday

We waited to send this report in effort to deescalate the frustrations on all sides. Lost Pines GCD President, Mike Talbot — who we know is a good man — seemed heavy handed at the top of this meeting. Looking back — and we’re just guessing here — perhaps Talbot’s posture was in response to a word we used (“sellout”) in our last email alert. What’s more — and this is another guess — the landowners who have been trying to get a seat at the table on the End Op permit, have so far been denied their rights. On Wednesday morning these landowners filed a motion to stop Lost Pines from proceeding with the End Op permit negotiations until the court rules. Though this was a perfectly reasonable move by the landowners that we support, we see how this could have led to mistrust. (Here’s that last email with more details.)

We have also heard things of a slightly more verbally hostile nature. We in no way nor in any fashion endorse calling out or pressuring the Lost Pines Board. We may disagree with some things, but we still believe in this board. We also know that they are without some of the tools they need to defend the aquifers from depletion. That is the legislatures’ job and our job is to make sure they know that’s their job.

The court will soon rule on landowners’ request for party status. We will let you know when

and where a hearing is held and if you can attend. All sides, including the water marketers, must live with that decision. We urge all sides to keep cool heads and we promise to do our part.

Invoking Davy Crockett 

Historians have argued that the Alamo was remembered because of the bravery of the vastly outnumbered Texians who died there. While that is certainly true, others have also said we remember the Alamo because Davie Crockett, who was a “rock star” of his time, died there.

We invoke Davy Crockett with our own historical interpretation that he was a hero, most of all, because he was a small “i” independent who died with his independent boots on.

Though we have no intention of losing the water wars, nor the war to clean up and open up Texas politics, we also know the odds just as Crockett knew them.

Those who died at the Alamo were also praying for troops to arrive. We too await the troops. That would be you and thousands of other Texans who are beginning to step up. You inspire us.

Many of you have started circulating our petition to Governor Abbott right here. Keep it up!

Hang tough Texans, be nice and keep your independent boots on for the road ahead.

PS Large signs will be available meetings next week or just give us a call.

PSS A special thanks to the folks from Burleson County who came to the Lost Pines meeting.

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