LIV just received a call from CNN, asking for help with a voter panel — to be conducted remotely — on

Do you think the San Antonio City Council should put the SAWS Accountability Act on the ballot and save Reinette and Jas (pictured here) and the rest of us, the time and worry of petitioning in a pandemic?
August 31st with 6 people from “battleground” states. They asked LIV to help them identify Texas independent voters who would be willing to appear on their show. It matters not whether you are decided, are leaning towards a particular candidate or are undecided. All you have to be is a self-identified independent. Interested? Contact us.
The big news from yesterday’s primaries is seeing highly competitive forces vying for control within both parties. Remember, we love competitive elections! (Politico Report.)
An LIV Group has formed to discuss how we can stir the pot for more competitive elections outside the major parties to experiment further with our “cross-partisan” organizing. We’ll be meeting every other week and using Lee Drutman’s book, “Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop” to help guide us. Are you an independent? You’re invited! Contact us.
►Vista Ridge News! The SAWS Act PAC sent out this news release this morning taking credit for saving ratepayers a cool $100,000 from the bloated salary of the SAWS CEO, Robert Puente. Of course, he still received a 4% raise, while the people of San Antonio — the poorest metro area in the US — are lining up at food banks. So wrong. The SAWS Act PAC has only just begun to fight: that is, SAFELY petition in a pandemic. The PAC needs your creativity and help to gather 20,000 signatues for their HOMEGROWN (all-volunteer) PETITION DRIVE by the end of the year. Action please! Visit their new site at, like and share their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter and, if you live in San Antonio, print out and circulate the petition and get ready for the BIG PUSH (it’s all at ► LIV was founded in 2013, just after some of us helped Austin pass, via citizen’s petition, geographic representation and the first (and only, so far in Texas) independent citizens redistricting commission (ICRC) to draw the lines. It’s time again for the ICRC to draw the Austin City Council district lines. The Austin ICRC is seeking applicants to sit on the 14 member body. The period to apply ends September 30.►Austin land development battles led by the non-profit Community Not Commodity are ongoing. The City of Austin continues to try to block the rights of Austin residents to protest zoning changes in defiance of two very recent court rulings, a costly obsession by the current majority on the council. Read the latest and give CNC a hand, y’all! ►Of course, the news has been out that Sarah Eckhardt, after State Rep. Eddie Rodriguez decided not to pursue a runoff, is now the new State Senator for District 14. We congratulate all the candidates and wish Senator Eckhardt all the best of luck representing all of Bastrop County and most of Travis County for the next two years. We look forward to working with you!
PS You independent Texans reading this post, please become a member of LIV, starting at just $10 for the year. Thanks for your consideration!
PPS Have you forgotten to like us on Facebook or to follow us on Twitter? Please do.