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Giving to these 2 ALL volunteer outfits!


Many thanks to you early givers this morning for giving to these 2 ALL-volunteer outfits!

Watch and share this and join LIV’s month-long giving campaign!

To clarify, we at LIV are suggesting that for #GivingTuesday today and throughout the month, you give to two ALL VOLUNTEER entities and ask your friends to do the same.

Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund. The water defense fund is a 501c3 non-profit. Their donations are matched and provide a tax-deducation for givers.

You can give to the water defense fund on their Facebook here or go to their donation page here and give online or send a check.

►League of Independent Voters of Texas. LIV is a 501c4 non-profit membership association for independent, non-aligned voters. And though we cannot offer you a match or a tax-deduction, we offer you our hard work for independent action. Currently, LIV  is raising funds for an independent managerial, financial and legal audit of the Vista Ridge water pipeline — the San Antone Hose turkey!

Help LIV Topple the Turkey by giving here.Help us reach lots more people by sharing the video from our Facebook page here.

Join us in San Antonio this coming Saturday, Dec. 7, 3 to 5 pm.

Want to volunteer or have questions about it? Give us a good old fashioned phone call, won’t you?

Revolutionaries are not paid. Our pay comes in doing things no one else will do. Join us!

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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