If you live in Bastrop County, please call your State Senator Kirk Watson at 512-463-0114. It’s an emergency. Ask friends to call in, too. Or email him at kirk.watson@senate.state.tx.us and his chief of staff, Sarah.Howard@senate.state.tx.us asap.
If you are in Lee County, tell Sen. Watson you are affected by his actions because we share a groundwater district. You might want to copy your Senator lois.kolkhorst@senate.state.tx.us and her chief of staff, Chris.steinbach@senate.state.tx.us, or call her to tell her you are urging Sen. Watson to act on these bills at 512-463-0118. Tell Sen. Watson he needs to stand up for Bastrop County and its Lost Pines Groundwater
Conservation District by helping to get HB 3163 and HB 3116 added to the Senate’s Local and Consent Calendar ASAP. Tell him he needs to assure passage of these important bills for his constituents in Bastrop County. The bills are critical to assisting our groundwater district to do their job of protecting the water resources of Bastrop and Lee counties.
Please show up this Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Bastrop Convention Center. This is the end of the line for the battle between End Op LP and Aqua Water concerning End Op’s permit demand for 56,000 acre-feet/year, now 46,000 AFY. That’s 41 million gallons per day. This is a legal hearing, so citizen communication is not on the agenda. However, the Lost Pines GCD Board may take action on this mega-permit. Therefore, your presence is important and is our statement.
Got questions? Call or email us! Thank you!