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Corrections & Additions


In yesterday's LIV news, there was a broken link to our most important ask: renew your membership, join for the first time, or donate to LIV.

In our article "Elephant in the Water," we also neglected to link to this article in Quorum Report about the Texas House Speaker Phelan's commitment to renew Chapter 313 subsidies. Instead, we hope to see a cross-partisan coalition this session to end this program and change the Speaker's mind. (The article is now updated with the link.)

Here's a list of what the new LIV working group is looking for to help us harness the white whale of Texas politics -- the 3.8 million Texans who identify as independents. Without partisan registration in Texas and with open primaries (something we support), reaching out to Texas independents is daunting without millions of dollars to spend. That said, there is no better way to reach them than through a better-organized cross-partisan LIV.

Let us know of your interest if you want to:

Organize (phone bank, canvass, petition, be a citizen lobbyist), research, engage in social media, provide tech support, provide administrative support, want to write or make us an offer we cannot refuse!

If you live in or near Austin, we especially need your help to get to the Capitol to participate fully in the 88th Texas Legislative Session.

Tell us about your interest by replying to this message, emailing us, or calling our main number (no texts).

Thank you!

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