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Call Your Congressional Reps Now!


We just held three citizen hearings in East Texas — in Cleveland, Big Sandy and Fairfield — on private property rights, public safety and protection of East Texas waterways. Thank you, if you were able to come out. We have three more happening next week! Tuesday, December 3, in Bryan, Wednesday, December 4, in Tyler and Thursday, December 5, in Beaumont. (Scroll down and you’ll see them below.)

Our property rights, our land and our water are in grave danger due to the overreach of certain companies in the oil and gas industry and the refusal of Texas officials to stand up for ALL Texans and ALL businesses. One of the big abusers is TransCanada (owner of the Keystone XL pipeline) which has trampled on property rights and put our waterways at serious risk due to faulty construction.

This CBS national report tells it all in a few minutes:

Public Citizen is asking us all to contact our Congressional Representatives. Please click on this link and do it!

The problems with three tar sands pipelines in Texas (Keystone, Seaway and Pegasus) were raised with Lt. Governor Dewhurst and House Speaker Straus — and gotten no response yet. Read this letter from Independent Texans:

We’ll be back in touch real soon on our plans for early next year.

Of course, feel free to reach us anytime — but please DO enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday!

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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