You will be kicking yourself if you miss these events on Friday and Saturday.

Register now and please come to the Capitol on Friday to join us in our first Lobby Day — Our Water, Our Land, Our Elections!
On Saturday, join us in Cedar Creek for the Texas Populism Conference: Building the Independent Rural-Urban Alliance! Please register by 3 tomorrow to get the best lunch on the menu.
With 50% of Millennial voters now self-declared independents, these events are most about the incoming generation. But be there, no
matter what your generation.
We’re including this 3-minute video sent to us from West Texas landowner Kirby Franklin Warnock just in case you missed it a few days ago. It says it all about what we’re fighting for — with passion and humor.
We can at least promise you that we’re not all talk and no hat.
Git’ along you little dogies and register now!