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Water Gridzilla Update (SB 1907/HB 3298)


The good news is that Senate Bill 1907, the water grid bill (aka “Gridzilla) was taken off

today’s Senate calendar and tomorrow’s, as well. It is likely being amended, but we don’t know if that’s good or bad.

What we DO know is that we have at least 24 more hours for phone calls to State Senators AND you can now start on your State Representatives, too.

It’s a very simple super quick phone call! Just tell your State Senator’s office that you oppose Senate Bill 1907. Then tell your State Rep’s office you oppose House Bill 3298.

There’s lots of background on “Gridzilla” on our home page. Send this out to folks and ask them to call in too.

Gridzilla needs to find another life, like scaring off those water marketers and an entire lobby pushing to move water to attract real estate development in areas without enough water on their own.

Have you signed our Conserve First, Convey petition/letter yet? Please do and pass this all on from this link right here.

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