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Wake up Texas!


Wake up Texas! Hopefully, you’re not leaning on a wall somewhere on Trigger, waiting for us to track you down.

Wake up, Texas, to defend your water, your land and OUR future!

Wake up, Texas, to defend your water, your land and OUR future!track you down.

  1. Please attend Tuesday’s press conference at 9 am (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE — location Speaker’s Committee Room 2W.6, Texas Capitol) with hydrologist George Rice and John Cyrier — Rice is releasing his supplemental report on the combined pumping effects of all mega-permit demands on the Simsboro aquifer underlying Burleson, Milam, Lee and Bastrop counties.

  2. Please stay for Tuesday’s House Natural Resources Committee hearing on water markets/massmovement of water starting at 10 am in Room E2.010 — underground building, Texas Capitol. Notice anything missing in the agenda — might that be landowners or anyone to represent themMore details here too. Whether you speak or not, your presence is a statement the committee needs to see. We’re also happy to help you prepare a statement — reply or call us.

DIRECTIONS:  We have rides!  Call us if you want to ride with us at 512-213-4511. Leave a message if we don’t pick up. Park in the parking lots to the east of the Capitol. This is paid parking. Walk over to the Capitol and ask for directions.

Awake yet? Let this shake and bake ya!

The H20 for Texas coalition that pushed Prop 6 in 2013 — a coalition of big business, special interests and urban governmental authorities is beefing up for this statewide tour to push us in the wrong direction on water. Note that their honorary chairs are Rep. Jim Keffer, who chairs the House Natural Resources Committee and Sen. Charles Perry, who chairs the Senate on Agriculture, Water and Rural Affairs Committee. (H2o’s first event is in Austin on February 9).

The coalition of members of H2O pushing this tour is noticeably missing landowners and citizens who would rather see conservation first and investment in longterm solutions, like desalination and big-scale rainwater harvesting (scroll down to see the big wigs hoping to roll right over us) :

Is this massacre in the making or an opportunity to alert Texans in a much bigger way? That, dear citizens, depends on us pulling together now.

Please share this message with your friends and be seen and heard.

PS This is not a campaign event — Rep. Cyrier will attend as — so far — the only elected state official who represents the affected counties willing to stand with us.

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LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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