Thank you, Lockhart. Next stop Milam County! Thanks also to the Lockhart Post-Register newspaper too!: Pipeline project raises water fears

Caldwell County meeting at the beautiful historic Clark Library in Lockhart.
Next Tuesday, Sept. 8, we’ll be in in Milano (Milam County) 6:30 pm, at the Milano Civic Center, 120 West Avenue E., Milano, TX. Details here. Remember, Milam is at ground zero, along with Burleson County, for the Vista Ridge/San Antone Hose. Note: A Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District meeting is the same night, starting at 5:30, so we encourage you to come early to their meeting at 310 East Avenue C in Milano, then mosey on over to our meeting at 6:30 pm.
More upcoming events — share using the share buttons on the pages linked.
Are you a libertarian? On Saturday, Sept. 12, we’re speaking at Liberty Fest in Houston. Details here.
The Stop Vista Ridge wagon train is now scheduled for College Station on Monday, September 21st. Details here.
The next night, September 22, the Stop Vista Ridge train stops in San Marcos. Details here.
Are you coming to the 9th annual conference of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance? It’s September 25-26, in Bryan and we’ll be there too! League Board member, Michele Gangnes, is on the ever-important water panel on Friday, Sept. 25, at 1:30 pm. Get all the FARFA dish right here.
The water marketers are paying close attention to us and even attending our meetings. Maybe we should ask to attend theirs, eh?
Happy Labor Day, y’all!