The Post Oak Groundwater Cons
ervation District has scheduled an important public hearing on its rules this Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at 5:30 pm to discuss two rule amendments:
The good one—Changes Rule 16 so the District will respond more quickly and decisively when our groundwater levels drop.
The bad one—Rule 4.1 Eliminates public notice, hearings, and even spacing requirements when permit holders want to change the locations of planned wells (when the new locations are inside the permitted boundaries). Bad rule! Spacing is critical, not just to protect neighboring wells, but also to protect the aquifer! Come to Post Oak headquarters at 310 E. Avenue C, Milano Texas at 5:30 May 3, 2017 and speak out! If you show up a few minutes early, we’ll also tell you more or reply to this message for details.
Got questions? Call Dave at 512.763.0853 or reply to this message.
Thank you for caring about our most precious resource!