Ron Nirenberg’s disaster might be overstated just a tad when he calls reasonable petition requirements for citizens to call for a public vote (Prop A), a disaster.

With or without the foot dragging by the No campaign, this debate will go on.
Watch this video and see our response and please do share! ==>
Well, maybe the Mayor of San Antonio is right in a way. Without suppressing the right to petition, San Antonio’s high rollers in real estate and their friends in public office, couldn’t have forced the disastrous Vista Ridge (San Antone Hose) on SAWS ratepayers and landowners along its 142-mile path.
Does it ever cease to amaze you what large sums of money dangling in the balance can do to basically good people?
We hope you already received notice of a Debate on Proposition A and Vista Ridge to be held THIS Tuesday night.
See flier here. Here’s our Facebook Event Page. See flier here. Here’s our Facebook Event Page. Not on Facebook? Use our Event page. Join us THIS Tuesday night, October 16th from 7 to 8 pm Pan American Golf Association Clubhouse at 2300 B, San Antonio 78215.Please do stay for the Cruz/O’Rourke debate from 8 to 9 pm, or come late if you can’t make the Prop A debate from 7 to 8.
We can agree to disagree, have a laugh and beer together.
United we stand, divided we fall, y’all!