Urgent! Please make these calls today! Three bills we oppose have been passed out of House committees and sent to the Calendars Committee.
Calendars, composed of 15 House members, decides which bills get passed on to the floor for a full vote of the House.
It is urgently important the you reach the Calendars Committee members now and ask them not to support these bills.

Senate Bill 1907/HB 3298: would direct the Texas Water Development Board to conduct a study on how to develop a statewide water market and conveyance network – essentially, a massive grid to allow water to be shipped all around the state easily. Read this from the Farm And Ranch Freedom Alliance about water (and SB1907/HB 3298).
House Bill 2595: would give municipalities the power to deny citizens the right to petition by simply claiming that the petition denies any person’s use of their property for economic gain. Example: Your city council has decided to spend $100 million of city (taxpayer) funds on a sports stadium. The Council can reject a petition for a public vote to reverse this decision (referendum) by claiming that the owners of stadium property are being denied the right to use the property for economic gain.
House Bill 464: This bill seeks to impose unfair, burdensome and monopolistic filing fees on minor parties like the Libertarians and Greens, despite two rulings by U.S. Supreme Court this sort of filing fee is unconstitutional. Read this from the Libertarian Party of Texas.
Now, make your calls, please — and right away –ask your friends and family in Texas to do the same!
If you can get to Austin on Tuesday, please contact Calvin Tillman, who will be working the halls for eminent domain reform in this session and visiting Calendar’s offices. Email Calvin here.