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Opal Lee Honored Bastrop bidding Harriet Tubman sculpture farewell.


Video of Opal Lee speech
Opal Lee speech at Kerr Community Center 8/31/24

On Saturday, August 31, Opal Lee, best known as the "grandmother of Juneteenth," honored Bastrop speaking at the Kerr Community Center. She was there to bid farewell to the amazing Harriet Tubman - The Journey to Freedom sculpture leaving for its next stop in Charleston, SC.

Photo of Tubman sculpture at the Kerr Center, Bastrop, Texas
Harriet Tubman -- The Journey to Freedom Sculpture

Opal Lee is a 97-year-old activist powerhouse. She stood while speaking in the 100-degree heat to several standing ovations. Read her bio here on Wikipedia.

She is also hilarious. We captured most of her talk in the 10-minute video posted at the top of this article.

Following Ms. Lee's speech, she took pictures with much of the crowd, one by one. One 63-year-old construction worker, Jeff Harper, after shaking Lee's hand commented, "Did you feel the steel grip of her hand?!"

Photo of Cheryl Lee and Opal Lee
Opal Lee and Cheryl Lee, no family relation, are kindred spirits.

Rev. Benie Jackson delivered a beautiful opening prayer. Elgin Mayor Theresa McShan gave a rousing welcome as did Bastrop Mayor Lyle Nelson. Dock Jackson emceed as Opal Lee honored Bastrop and the entire community.

Pictured here with Opal Lee is Bastrop City Council Member, Cheryl Lee, one of all but one of the five Bastrop City Council members to attend along with the Mayor.

Everyone knew this was Opal Lee and Harriet Tubman's historical show. The rest of us were there to soak it all in.

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