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No Trans-Texas Water Highway

Remember back in 2010

some of us warned you about the “Trans-Texas Water Highway”? Make one phone call to defeat Senate Bill 1907 — before Tuesday — when it is expected to reach the full Senate for a vote.

SB 1907 is a $2 million study for the development of a market and conveyance network for water in the Texas. The California water crisis has already shown water conveyance before water conservation is a disastrous policy.

You can also just call the Capitol Switchboard at 512-463-4630 and ask for your State Senator.

Tell your Senator’s office that you oppose SB 1907 (you can tell them why, but that is not necessary) and ask your Senator to vote no on the bill. Calls are best during the day, but if you cannot do so, call and leave a message.

Use this fact sheet for more information or visit the News section of our website.

Our future generations depend on what we do today to protect our most precious resource.

Pay it forward, y’all.

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