Update! The minute this message went out, we heard that Trump's call for Secret Service protection for RFK, Jr. may have sealed the deal. Good deal for both candidates!
We're relieved that former President Trump is OK. We mourn the loss of life -- Corey Comperatore -- while we pray for the injured. And, we are not OK with the pump-fisting for us to “fight, fight, fight.”
Independent voters, including millions who may vote for either Trump or Biden, are sick and tired of the fighting.
Now, before you Trump supporters get your you-know-whats in a wad, keep reading.
President Biden’s failure to employ sincere diplomacy in Ukraine and Israel is leading millions of independents to search for leadership to stop the U.S. from getting dragged into bloody, costly, unwinnable, and forever wars that pose increased instability throughout the globe. Our search includes a candidate who could keep us out of easily avoided partisan wars in our own country based on hyperbolic, false claims.
A bold example was on July 4th, when the Biden-Harris campaign made this obvious false and over-the-top claim about the U.S. Supreme Court decision on immunity:
“Trump would now be immune for assassinating a political rival.” Might the same then be true for Joe?!
Then there is RFK, Jr., the independent voters’ alternative presidential candidate. RFK turned his back on millions of us, especially younger generations, who want Israel in check, using diplomacy and the leverage the U.S. has by withholding weapons and funding from Israel. Instead, RFK has continually doubled down for Israel. Combined with a poorly organized campaign, RFK is bleeding support, having self-inflicted damage to his campaign. (See more in LIV's Linda Curtis article in Independent Political Report here.)
We are making no predictions. And, we’re not telling you who you should vote for either, including whether you should vote for third-party candidates, Libertarian Chase Oliver, or Green Jill Stein.
Message to all presidential candidates from LIV:
We – the people, remember us? -- have real problems. Your job now is to ratchet back the rhetoric and false claims, and start working together to solve big problems like these:
Millions of Houstonians, in the 4th largest city in the nation, sat without power due to Hurricane Berle. People died and it's only 3 years ago that 700+ died in the February "Snowmageddon" when the grid nearly collapsed. Currently, it's been 8 days for hundreds of thousands still baking in the blistering summer heat in the "great" energy state of Texas.
It is not hyperbole to say that our water future is facing depletion, pollution, and waste. (See SAWDF report for facts, humility, and grace.) Join us in Caldwell (Burleson County) this coming Thursday for the Groundwater Summit to ask a bunch of questions.
The Lt. Governor, Dan Patrick, and ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas, aka "the unreliability council") claim that “power demand could double in six years”, due to a “significant rise in requests from large users such as data centers, hydrogen production facilities, and oil and gas companies that are electrifying their operations.” (Texas Tribune, June 20 and Forbes here.) Note: We are just learning what data centers mean for demands on our grid. AI is a voracious power consumer, not to mention bitcoin.
“Sometimes it seems like Lee County has a target on its back,” wrote longtime environmental organizer and SAWDF Board Member, Travis Brown. Besides another mega-permit on their groundwater that's twice the size of Vista Ridge (San Antone Hose), Lee County is currently the target of one of the largest gas-powered plants in the nation. Read Brown’s articles in the Lexington Leader here and here and stay tuned for an in-depth report next week.
We agree with all leaders – from all parties -- who call for dialing back the political rhetoric. But what is the chance this will either happen or make a difference without a demand from us -- regular citizens, especially independents who could decide this election -- setting the tone?
It won't happen unless a lot more folks take a chance with LIV and the independent movement unites and grows.
Fight? Forget about it and let's fix, fix, fix our problems.
What You Can Do:
Share any articles from this newsletter, including our Calendar of Events below.
Take three minutes to do our LIV Forums Survey here.
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Keep showing up, dear friends, and get involved with LIV.
Additional News Items
Please consider subscribing to the following news providers, including newspapers like the Lexington Leader, Giddings Times, the Longview News-Journal and many more rural local papers that still print!
Glenn Greenwald's System Update Covering the U.S. Supreme Court immunity ruling "meltdown". Greenwald and the ACLU have fought to reduce immunity protections for the president for years. He's well-qualified, therefore, to bust the false claims running rampant about this recent ruling.
Michael Tracey, one of our favorite independent writers, in, "Project 2025" is just "Project 1981," hits the nail about the hysteria surrounding the agenda dating back to the Reagan years.
Former NE Texas State Representative David Simpson has another opinion article in the Longview News-Journal, filled with his usual wisdom and spiritual guidance, "When Things Are Upside Down."
Calendar of Events
• July 17, 6 pm, Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District Meeting, Giddings, Agenda here.
• July 18, 9-4 pm Groundwater Summit, hosted by Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District, Caldwell, TX. See article in this newsletter.
• Aug. 5-6, Southern Family Farmer's (FARFA) Conference, San Marcos. LIV, as usual, will have an exhibit and urges your attendance!
• Aug. 8, Save the evening for a Big Bastrop Pow Wow. More soon!