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LIV News: Split Your Ticket! • Allred Boxes Ted's Ears as Israel Lobby Looms • Don't forget local and other candidate options & measures and more!


Updated: Oct 26, 2024

video window of Cruz and Allred
Allred v. Cruz Debate, WFAA-TV, Dallas, Oct. 14, 2024

Congratulations to Congressman Collin Allred who gave Senator Ted Cruz, well-known as a great debater, a solid boxing about the ears in Dallas on Tuesday night. Early voting starts on Monday and lasts through Friday, November 1.

Allred's strategy was to speak the language of independent voters. It's not that hard, folks. In the discussion about Israel, Allred used this simple word -- "diplomacy." It was met with Cruz's screeches of "anti-semitism." In so doing, Cruz exposed his fanatical support for the dangerous and inhumane (see our next article) escalation of war throughout the Middle East, funded by U.S. taxpayers.

In this race, Cruz has received at least $250,000 from the tail that wags the U.S. foreign policy dog in the Middle East. It's called The Israel Lobby (AIPAC) the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. See Open Secrets here. Cruz attacked Allred for taking contributions (at least $123,000) from J Street, a liberal zionist organization dedicated to solving the Israel-Palestinian conflict through a two-state solution. Ted knows the two-state solution ain't no "radical Left" proposal, but that was the blather coming from his lips.

Here's the nitty gritty for us independents. Texas is not considered to be a swing state in this presidential election, by key Democratic strategist's own admission. However, polls are showing a possible dead heat between Cruz and Allred. Was Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s decision to remove his name from the Texas ballot really more about helping Ted Cruz than Donald Trump? We think so. This frees Texas independents to split our tickets and to swing this Senate race and to be more free to vote for third party or independent options.

We suggest you watch the WFAA-TV debate for yourself. Click on the video posted above.

We also love independent journalists like Lee Fang who reminds us of, "Ted Cruz's Little Known History as a Big Tech Lawyer, Astroturf Bailout Lobbyist."

Read our post on OTHER OPTIONS to consider down the ballot and in nonpartisan elections.


video photo of Gaza
Investigating War Crimes in Gaza documentary

The first live-streamed genocide in history has been seen now by well over 1 million people. Glenn Greenwald interviewed the director, longtime mainstream British journalist, Richard Sanders. Please beware of graphic content, but don't turn your eyes and heart to what is happening, brought to us by both parties. It's all on our dime and with a great deal of effort to shut down the discussion by Governor Abbott and both party establishments.



Knowing your choices are limited in our current electoral environment, please do your best. You do have minor party options like the Libertarian Party and Green Party candidates, especially in states like Texas that are unlikely to be swing states in the presidential race.

There are also a few independents on the ballot in Texas, see here. We congratulate them for achieving ballot access and for giving voters an independent, nonpartisan option.

LIV has been involved locally in Bastrop County and in the City of Bastrop. Consider our FOR and AGAINST local measures here: Bastrop Ballot Propositions: Good deals A thru K, Bad deals L & M, No deal ESD#3

If you agree or disagree, that's your right. We're happy to address your concerns or to simply allow you to provide a comment at the bottom of the article. We are also leading a conversation on NextDoor.

After this election, we will continue building alliances with some Democrats and Republicans who are working to clean up and open up their parties. And we will be asking for your help in runoffs and in the upcoming 2025 legislative session. We hope to see a far more competitive field of candidates in 2026, but to do that, we need your continued participation and membership.

Let's have a fair, secure and peaceful election and don't forget that you can split your ticket in November and vote for the person, not necessarily the party. That's all for now folks, but feel free to comment here or on our facebook page!



picture from KXAN-TV
Austin Mayoral Candidates

Extraordinary! KXAN-TV held a debate among the five candidates for Austin Mayor. There are five candidates in this race, added together all are outspent by Mayor Kirk Waston. See the debate for yourself here.

Austin Mayor and former State Senator Kirk Watson is running for a fourth term for Austin Mayor. Will Austin voters finally dump the serial incumbent and leader of the Central Texas Growth Machine?

Thanks to Andrew Wheat of the Austin Free Press for this great article: Dirt Sorry”: Austin


podcast logo Policy in the Pasture
Andy Wier, SAWDF citizen scientist and water wonk.

We really enjoyed this podcast on water at Policy in the Pasture Podcast with Andy Wier, Executive Director of the Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund, a nonprofit organization doing the heavy lifting in water policy and landowner defense.


Must Read: Environmental writer, extraordinaire, Brendon Gibbons, now at Oil & Gas Watch writes about what's going on with the effort in Lee County to move a mega-power plant from the beautiful rural community of Blue to a nearby more appropriate location:

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2 ความคิดเห็น

05 พ.ย. 2567

We need a replacement for Ted Cruz and I, for one, am willing to let just about anyone have the chance to be elected.


20 ต.ค. 2567

Allred would be nothing more than a reliable rubber stamp for Charles "Upchuck" Schumer. He belongs nowhere near the US Senate. I have my problems with Ted Cruz, but I see absolutely nothing to be gained by replacing him with a hack like Allred.

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