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LIV News: War, What is it Good For? Updates!


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LIV's First Monday Forum was rescheduled for this Monday, April 11th at 7 pm. It's a doozy: War What is it Good For? Join us for a guided discussion of the articles -- from the left to right -- we've posted on the RSVP page here.

Note: LIV does not engage in federal issues, including foreign policy. But we know it's impossible to ignore the dangers unfolding in the Ukraine. We've compiled articles we suggest you read before the forum.

LIV deeply appreciates Lee County Judge Paul Fischer and Michele Gangnes,

Simsboro Aquifer Water Defense Fund (and LIV advisor), longtime allies in conserving the aquifers and landowner protections, seen together here at the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District hearings last Monday.

Note: Next week we will cover Texas water wars from 30,000 feet, and how all Texans are affected.

Last week, we mentioned two public Lost Pines District water hearings in Bastrop. One was a rehearing on a permit demand dispute going on since 2018 when local landowners and other water users first protested the LCRA’s permit request to pump 25,000 acre-feet of groundwater per year (AFY). Remember, Vista Ridge is 50,000 AFY. The Lower Colorado River Authority’s mega-permit demand is on the same aquifer targeted by Vista Ridge – the Simsboro formation of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer. It’s about the same amount of water that continues to be demanded under Gatehouse Water LLC’s permit (formerly Forestar) by “Chicken Little’s Lawyer.” We reported last week that Gatehouse has filed a federal lawsuit against the Lost Pines district and its board.

Monday’s hearing resulted in this:

On LCRA’s permit, the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District held firm on their original decision to cut back their permit from 25,000 AFY to 8,000 with a few other changes (including much needed groundwater and Colorado River monitoring). LCRA is threatening suit.

The City of Bastrop’s permit request to drill three additional wells (at XS Ranch in Bastrop County) and produce a total amount of 6,000 acre-feet of groundwater in Bastrop County was tabled for more discussion next month. One exchange between Lost Pines board member Phil Cook and Trey Job, City of Bastrop’s Assistant Manager was about the City’s conservation efforts and how much water city residents are using. Job didn’t seem to know precisely but it was somewhere between 175 and 200 gallons per day per household. The City of San Antonio, which brought us Vista Ridge is using 55 gallons per day. Cook raised that this lack of conservation does not reflect well on the communities that don’t want massive pumping of their aquifers.

We can’t disagree here at LIV one iota!

Suggested Podcast:

The Purple Principle: An award-winning, non-partisan podcast for independent-minded Americans interviewed LIV for their April 12 show as part of their big series on Texas.

Suggested Reads:

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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