For sure, LCRA should know better! But, that’s not stopped them yet from demanding in on the siege on the Simsboro along with the San Antone Hose.
This is LIV’s reminder as tonight’s hearing (Thurs., Jan. 28, 6 pm), online and on the phone, impacts on you, your drinking water supply provided by aquifers and what you are paying for water policy gone awry.
Reminder! FINAL HEARING on LCRA Permit Demand! Please share this message!
It’s important to let the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District Board know you are watching and urge their protection of our water resources.
In this dispute has on one side the LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) and its demand for a mega-permit — 25,000 acre-feet of groundwater per year. They have no customer demand, but have pushed for a hearing in the middle of COVID, in a rural area without reliable internet connectivity. On the other side are landowners, Aqua Water Supply (a local supplier), the city of Elgin, and even some private water marketers who are working together to put this permit on hold or to ratchet it back and to achieve proper monitoring.
Until we know the impacts of Vista Ridge’s massive pumping operation that is already harming local wells at great and unexpected expense to our rural residents, it’s our hope the Lost Pines’ GCD Board will do the right thing. Besides, not to beat a dead horse, but LCRA should know better!
You being on the line is a way to show your concern.
LIV will have more for you soon on legislative remedies in the current Legislative Session.
Just be on the call or Zoom tonight! Click on the link for more details about tonight’s hearing:
Tonight, just before 6 pm, log in to the Zoom video conferenceOR dial in to the conference call using the information below.
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 369 009 0040
Passcode: a0ix0g
Telephone conference:Phone number: Dial +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 369 009 0040 #
Passcode: 058330
Got questions? Give us a call at 512.213.4511 or contact us here. Thank you!