Kinder Morgan punctures Vista Ridge!

Well, dang! We can’t keep our pipelines straight.
Thanks to Saturday’s Rivard Report we learned about Kinder Morgan’s “puncture” of the VR pipeline in Caldwell County! Check out the comments. One of them is by the very astute Board President of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District, Milan Michalec. Other comments posted today are important to see how “what me worry” SAWS has minimized this breach.
Meanwhile, we missed this May 6 Rivard Report piece by ace reporter Brendan Gibbons covering the April 15th start of Vista Ridge pumping (at 1/3 of the full bore puming planned to start in July) conducted “without fanfare” — no press. Gibbons covered the May 4 SAWS meeting dust-up with SAWS watchdogs complaining about the resolution giving SAWS General Manager, Robert Puente, the right to execute contracts WITHOUT limitation, during the COVID-19 crisis. The watchdogs pointed out that the 30-year financing terms (the Fifth Amendment to Vista Ridge) have been left unsigned due to financial market instability. SAWS has gone from it’s usual transparency transgressions to a much darker place. We are making plans to drag them out into the light of day when petitioning starts for the SAWS Accountability Act (at