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It ain’t really over until the Governor sings!


The session might be over, but it ain’t really over until the Governor sings!

The Governor received this letter today from Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape who urged a veto of HB 1806, the SAWS water and wallet grab bill:

“As the County Judge of one of the counties where this water is coming from, I plead with you to veto this bad legislation and require that the ultimate use of any exported water be defined and vetted in the permitting process with the local groundwater conservation district.”

Will Greg Abbott use his veto pen to make some sweet music for Texans, our water and wallets, by vetoing HB 1806?

We shall see! Just don’t tell us you meant to call him but somehow forgot.

It will be the next generation, especially, to suffer the consequences of our unwillingness to consider the impacts of bad policy making on millions of central Texans and two aquifers – the mighty Edwards and the slow-to-no recharging Carrizo-Wilcox and its Simsboro formation.

Gov. Abbott is receiving letters from local officials and community organizations as we write.

But, most of all, he needs to hear from us regular citizens. This is all you gotta say when you contact the Governor:

“Veto HB 1806, SAWS water and wallet grab bill.”

Please call the Governor’s office during business hours at 512-463-2000 or email him here.

You will hear more soon about the good, the bad and the ugly of this legislative session in light of what got passed the last few days in the Senate while few were watching.

If you have a story to tell, consider submitting it for publication on the LIV news blog. You can also submit a comment at the end of this message in our comments section.

Now, ride those profiteering water marketers — and their rogue “public” water utilities pals — high.

Don’t forget to join the LIV, y’all, to keep this all-volunteer outfit fighting for you.

PS If you are a resident of San Antonio, we’re getting ready to urge the City Council to pass a resolution to rein in SAWS and to audit Vista Ridge “the San Antone Hose.” Contact us if you want to help, but AFTER you call the Guv!

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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