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IMPORTANT Lost Pines Water Meeting Tonight

There’s an Important Lost Pines Water Meeting Tonight by phone!

Within a short few months of full bore pumping by Vista Ridge (“The San Antone Hose”), landowner wells are going dry in Burleson and Lee counties. Meanwhile, privateering water marketers and the Lower Colorado River Authority – a governmental entity, mind you – are continuing their quest for MORE permits on the same aquifers.

The Legislature needs to step up for sure, but our local groundwater districts need to hear from those they serve, not to be served up.

We support a hold on additional permits (call it a moratorium, if you like) until Lost Pines does due diligence on what exactly is happening to local wells NOT TO MENTION the aquifer itself. Hundreds of thousands of people depend on this resource. The last thing we need is another crisis, and of our own creation.

Call us if you need information or any help getting to this meeting – via phone or computer.

Remember, it’s your water!

PS Mark your calendars for a hearing LCRA has pushed for on January 28 — details soon!

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