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End Op Appeals!


End Op appeals to do an end-run around Lost Pines District and Judge Carson Campbell’s recent ruling for landowners!

Will landowners get screwed again by End Op’s appeal? Don’t let this happen — take action — more below.

End Op Appeals!

Is Lost Pines going to allow landowners to get screwed again by End Op?

Lost Pines made a decision to take no action. Did that leave the door open for End Op? We have no idea if Lost Pines intended to do that. The Lost Pines District will leave landowners in the cold, again. 

Please take action immediately — call and email the Lost Pines District NOW! See below for all you need. Please see item three below for what you can do, if you don’t live in Bastrop or Lee counties. 


State District Judge Carson Campbell recently ruled in favor of four landowners. Judge Campbell said the landowners were entitled to be heard at a formal hearing the District needs to call on End Op’s permit. He revoked End Op’s permit, pending that hearing. The Judge put the ball squarely in the Lost Pines District’s hands.

Citizens asked the District not to appeal the Judge’s ruling. The District “tabled” any action at all. Does that mean they are intentionally doing nothing for their constituents? Taking no action will let End Op take over. End Op filed an appeal on the Judge’s ruling yesterday. 

The Lost Pines District must act quickly and formally grant a hearing to the landowners. By taking no action, the District will be COMPLICIT with End Op’s intent to derail the Judge’s decision. 

Bastrop and Lee counties — please immediately contact the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District — BE RESPECTFUL!

  1. Write a short email message to the District’s Board of Directors. Ask them to IMMEDIATELY GRANT A HEARING TO LANDOWNERS in the End OP dispute.

  2. Address your message to the Lost Pines Board of Directors.

  3. Subject line: DO NOT APPEAL and CALL A HEARING

  4. Board President Mike Talbot, email:, and

  5. District’s General Manager James Totten, email:

  6. Copy the League:

  7. Call the District’s General Manager James Totten at (512) 360-5088. Urge that the District IMMEDIATELY GRANT A HEARING TO LANDOWNERS (Plaintiffs) in the End OP dispute.

  8. Non residents of Lee or Bastrop counties:  End Op wants to move this water to the I-35 Corridor and continue hyper-growth affecting us all. Most of all, Hays, Travis and Williamson counties and the Edwards Aquifer and its recharge zones! Share this message. Join LIV here. Contribute to to the Simsboro legal defense fund here.

Don’t let these water grabbers at End Op get away with it!

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