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Central Texas Landowners Join Forces to Protect Water Supply in the Face of Out-of-Control Growth


Some of us were working this Labor Day for you because, well, you’ll s

ee. Don’t feel guilty, just read this press release, Central Texas Landowners Join Forces to Protect Water Supply in the Face of Out-of Control Growth. We’re very proud of these Comments on the_Proposed Rules we filed on Labor Day, thanks to board member, Michele Gangnes, with the Texas Water Development Board on how Prop 6 money should, and should not, be spent on water projects. Last, kindly show up at any and all of these events! (Spread the word y’all — use the share buttons at the bottom.)

  1. THIS Saturday, 9 am Conference Call with Janice Benzanson, Texas Conservation Alliance. We’ll be talking water policy and strategy. Reply for conference call details or call us. Use this link to invite others.

  2. Wed., Sept. 10, 7 pm: Lee and Bastrop countians – come to a specially called meeting of the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District, American Legion Hall in Giddings. Click here for details and show up! (Need fliers? Just reply or call us. Note: the location of this meeting was changed — it is NOT at the Bastrop Convention Center!)

  3. Thurs., Sept. 11, 6-9:30 pm, Wimberley, Hays County, Citizens Alliance for Responsible Development (CARD) forum, “Water Crisis: Time to Get Serious” — more details here.

  4. DON’T WAIT TO REGISTER!!!!   Mon-Tues., Sept. 15-16. DO NOT MISS THE FARM AND RANCH FREEDOM ALLIANCE Annual Conference, Bastrop Convention Center! Hear the latest news on the laws and regulations that govern our food supply, connect with individuals, organizations, and small businesses who are passionate about our food system, and get the tools you need to make a difference in the coming year! Click here for the program and registration details. Several of us from the League are on the program!

  5. Sat., Sept. 27, 5-6:30 pm, La Grange (Fayette County), La Grange ISD (LDISD K-6 Campus on Travis Street (BUS 71 – across from Farmer’s Lumber and Sonic) Candidate debate Sponsored by the League with Fayette County Republicans and Democrats between the two candidates running for Fayette County JudgeEd Janecka and Cecile Webster and a debate between the candidates for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1. Use this link to spread the word about this event.

  6. Have you heard about the Earth, Wind and Fire Summit in Dallas, October 4-5? If you’re interested in energy, this is the place to be! Sponsored by the Sierra Club: Read more here.


          We commend Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape for his op-ed about the Ogallala and his concern about mega-permits being sought locally for our Carrizo-Wilcox water here in the Statesman.

          We better see you soon, y’all. Things are heating up and we need to step up our efforts!

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