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Breaking up (with the Ds or Rs) is so hard to do! Yang breaks. How 'bout Joe, Lyle and Kel?


Andrew Yang has been all over national media about this "break-up" with the Democratic Party. We suggest you watch this interview on Amanpour for a deep dive into Yang's new "Forward Party."

What about Joe Straus and Lyle Larson? Will they jump in to run third party or independent? Check out this San Antonio Report opinion. RSVP for our next First Monday Forum, Nov. 1, 7 pm, "Who, what & how Texans can unite across party lines in 2022"

We just sent this letter to Senator Kel Seliger, the beloved straight shooter Senator from the Texas Panhandle. They say there are more independents per square mile there than cows and cactus.

own party, the Texas GOP. Dear Senator Seliger: We are reaching out to you from the non-profit voter association for non-aligned, independent voters -- the League of Independent Voters of Texas. Our founders have been involved in the independent political movement dating back to when political maverick Ross Perot sparked a massive independent electoral revolt in 1992. We have watched you for years and know you are also a treasured political maverick. Most political pundits will tell you that independent candidates cannot win elections. Under normal circumstances, it's hard to disagree with that. But these are not normal times. The Lt. Governor's abuse of the redistricting pen, especially in your district and against a fellow Republican beloved in his district, directly signals to all Texans that there is no room for political mavericks in the Texas GOP. Perhaps the good news is that he picked the wrong Texans to lord over. That is not only a statement about you. It is a statement about the people of West Texas -- the most independent-minded Texans. We write to implore you to consider filing to run for reelection as an independent. The Republican Party of Texas doesn't deserve you. Besides, as an open primary state, with the end to straight-ticket voting and the Texas GOP having forsaken the spirit of self-governance and local control, is it not time for another independent electoral revolt? There is no place better to spark the independent electoral revolt across the state than in your district. The Gallup Poll has tracked self-identified independent voters since 2004. We hold a plurality of about 40%. We believe that if you run as an independent, a majority in your district would follow you to declare their electoral independence. This would teach both parties to respect the voters they do not and cannot own. We know this is a lot to ask. But we believe our only hope for the democratic republic, which so many put their lives on the line for, is to teach the two parties they're not the only game in town. If you got this far, thank you for reading this letter. We hope to hear from you. With respect, Linda Curtis, Board Member, and Co-founder, LIV PS You may not remember this, but I want to thank you for voting with us the night before sine die in 2015. You helped us kill a last-minute maneuver by Senator Perry and others to thwart our efforts to protect our groundwater in Bastrop, Lee, Milam, and Burleson counties. We're on the same path as the Ogallala, thanks to Perry.

Thanks to the work of Paul Robbins, Bill Aleshire and the Austin Bulldog, you can read this fourth in the Austin Bulldog's Five-Part Series on the increasing backup power systems installed in the Austin area. We all know that our Legislature has FAILED to fix the grid, right? Secure your home and get ready to THROW -- throw the hypocritical rascals out in 2022. BTW, THERE'S AN ELECTION HAPPENING! There are eight statewide constitutional amendments to vote on. Check the League of Women Voters Nonpartisan Voter Guide. If you want the deep dive, read the report by the House Research Organization. Early voting started Monday, Oct. 18, and ends on Oct. 29. Election Day is Tuesday, November 2. Be sure to check out what else is on the ballot in your local area. Click here to see LIV Beefs.

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The League of Independent Voters of Texas is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization
dedicated to bringing about competitive elections and a multi-party system.

LIV • PO Box 651, Bastrop, TX 78602 • • 512.213.4511 (no texts)

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