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You heard about the climate crisis, right?

The Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer is under siege but working together we can protect it and leave a legacy of water for all Texans.

You heard about the climate crisis, right? Lots of people have and lots of people talk about it and do nothing or even do real harm, while they’re talking about it.

Here’s what we need from you — straight up — this week. All Texans, please CALL your legislators — county and state. San Antonians, do the same, but start with Mayor Ron Nirenberg and your Council members. The officials can get real by supporting the push for independent audit of the destructive Vista Ridge water pipeline project and getting a rein on the rogue public water utility — SAWS.

Question:  What happens when SAWS Comes for Water They Don’t Need? Answer:  They Demand More!

That’s right, Vista Ridge is coming back to the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District on October 3 for more water they cannot use. Why? Hmm…let’s see. Do you think it might have anything to do with the aggressive growth-metroplex agenda of big real estate and their pals in public office and public utilities? Rural and urban Texans are catching the drift — greater indebtedness, rising taxes and fees, homelessness, concentrated poverty and potential harm to our homes and to critically important land and water resources. — Details on Oct. 3 here.

Check out this week’s article, “Conservative Calls Vista Ridge Manmade Climate Crisis

Question: Is the elimination of the Electoral College a hot idea…or are there other ways to reform the system to actually expand democracy?

Have you taken independent voter survey? How many of our 15 points can you get and is that enough to entice you to pay some dues to the LIV?  Click on the sticker and take the survey, already!

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Thanks to the many of you who continue to work with us every day, year in year out. We appreciate you so much!

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