Thank you, so very much, Jas and Reinette for petitioning in this pandemic.)
SAWS Act PAC Vista Ridge News! The SAWS Act PAC sent out this news release this morning taking credit for saving ratepayers a cool $100,000 from the bloated salary of the SAWS CEO, Robert Puente. Of course, he still received a 4% raise, while the people of San Antonio — the poorest metro area in the US — are lining up at food banks. So wrong.
The SAWS Act PAC has only just begun to fight: that is, SAFELY petition in a pandemic. The PAC needs your creativity and help to gather 20,000 signatues for their HOMEGROWN (all-volunteer) PETITION DRIVE by the end of the year. Action please! Visit their new site at SAWSAct.org, like and share their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter and, if you live in San Antonio, print out and circulate the petition and get ready for the BIG PUSH (it’s all at SAWSAct.org.)