In this LIV Newsletter November 5 issue:
►Manny’s Problem Pregnancy…Vista Ridge. ►Austin’s Local Election — Adler Attacks on Petition Rights. ►So, this IS news! Voting Today, Tuesday, November 5th!

Council Member, Manny Palaez, has a problem pregnancy.
►King Lobby, Oil and Gas, rein in attempts by guess who.
►Manny’s Problem Pregnancy.
Perhaps no San Antonio City Council Member is more deserving of his phone ringing off the hook with SAWS rateapayer complaints than District 8 Manny Palaez. San Antonio Water System’s phone is, apparently, also ringing off the hook and hanging up on people. (If you have a complaint, please try calling SAWS at 210-704-7297.) This is why LIV-San Antonio has launched our own hotline to document complaints AFTER you have tried to reach SAWS. It’s all in the 1-minute video. Please watch and share. Note: SAWS covers far more than San Antonio — see their water service area map here.
►Austin’s Local Election as Adler Attacks Petition Rights.“Visit our New Petition Rights Page”
Austin’s Mayor Steve Adler ain’t shy about going after the right to petition at the very same time the new CodeNEXT (the overhaul of the city’s land development code, more here) is getting a big push by and for the big real estate machine — with plenty of help from most of the Austin City Council. Let us not forget the scurrilous attacks on the citizens’ petitioned Prop J in the last election by the Mayor’s allies. This week’s Report by the City Auditor implying Austin petition rules are too lenient is rife with error by ommission. They neglected to tell you that Austin denies citizens the right to petition to vote on reversing a Council decision (known as the referendum), a right offered by most all Texas municipalities. See the short slide show on our new Petition Rights page. More soon!
Looking for reliable information on Austin’s Prop B? The facts laid out at Unconventional Austin are compelling. The Austin Chronicle’s, is wholly unclear and…well, you decide. We know the writer is fullly capable of wisdom and clarity.
►So, this IS news! Today, Tuesday, November 5th, IS Election Day!Your ballot will have 10 statewide constitutional amendments to vote on.Your ballot may also have local measures, including bonds and candidates in some local elections.
Visit this page by the League of Women Voters of Texas for info on 10 Statewide Constitional Amendments. Visit this page for central Texas propositions and local elections in the Austin area. The Houston League of Women Voters’ voter guide is here, Note the VERY hot contest for Houston Mayor. Do an internet search for more in your community.