We'll give you a sneak peak of the candidates who received stellar ratings from LIV running in Republican and Democratic contested primaries. Early voting starts on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14.
LIV recently sent our "Independent Texan 2022 Survey" to a wide array of VOTERS and CANDIDATES from all parties. We're getting some great responses! Results coming next week.
Click here to access the survey. Ask your favorite candidates for county and state office -- and your voting friends -- to do the survey too. Then, join us for our Monday Forum.
Do you know what district you're in? Redistricting has confused us all. Click here to find out, courtesy of The Texas Tribune.
LIV News Picks

• Linda for A Little Less Corruption is back on her high-horse after Governor 39%, aka Tricky Rick. "What's Rick Perry up to in House District 17, home of the Texas water wars?" You'll love the pix. :)
Maverick Republican, Texas State Senator Kel Seliger, joined the legal challenge to gerrymandered redistricting forged by Republican leadership. It's making its way through an El Paso court. We love this! More here.
Geez Louise, it's nice to know that the recent $300M Austin luxury subsidy deal had a setback. Check out the commentary in the Austin Chronicle from the three intrepid attorneys -- Aleshire, Bunch, and Lewis, "Who pays $278 million: Austin taxpayers or developers?" PS: It's the same developer desperados who forced Austin taxpayers to subsidize their luxury shopping mall.
Wanna bet on whether Williamson County and Taylor officials, not to mention King Greg himself, knew about Samsung's water pollution last May when they gave Samsung 100s of millions in 20-30 year 90% property tax abatements last November? Then there's TCEQ's pathetic cronyism: See KXAN report, "Samsung Austin facility’s January wastewater spill was second within a year."
Don't you hate it when someone says, "I told you so?" Sorry, but it needs to be said to some leading aquifer protectors and fiscal conservatives who laid back and continue to lay back on challenging the greedy bastards at SAWS for an independent audit of Vista Ridge ("The San Antone Hose") already! The San Antonio Report tell us: "SAWS approves service for 3,000 homes upstream of Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone."
Two of LIV's favorite non-partisan, nonprofits working on our bread and butter, sparing us the red meat!
Follow them, join them and share them with your friends!
There's not much more important than fixing the Texas grid and getting the Railroad Commission in check. Start following Commission Shift, the new nonprofit is making some waves. More at Commission Shift.
Are you, like LIV, a fan of Texas independent small farms? Check out Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance's news, including their endorsements. Then, mark your calendar for their annual conference, Aug. 7 - 9, Texas State University, San Marcos.
Have you joined LIV? Great, if you have. If you haven't, what's stopping you? Dues start as low as $10 for the year. Join here and hop on Monday's forum.