LIV met Bob Martin late in his leadership of the Homeowner Taxpayer Association of Bexar County (HTA). A CPA by training, Bob's heart was in his activism and advocacy for seniors and modest-income people as a founding member of HTA. Bob took the helm of HTA from banjo playing, term-limits supporting taxpayer watchdog, CA Stubbs.
We were delighted to work with Bob -- a staunch Republican conservative -- who kept his eyes on the prize, working across all the aisles to end taxpayer and ratepayer abuse. Bob immediately jumped on board with LIV, Alamo Sierra Club, LULAC El Concilio Zapatista 4383, SAMBA's Stan Mitchell and more to help lead the petition drive in 2020 to place the SAWS Accountability Act before the voters. Bob wanted accountability for the 50%+ rate hikes for one project -- Vista Ridge -- that we all believed would have been rejected by voters had they been given the chance to vote on It in 2014 before it was rammed through the San Antonio City Council. Most community organizations -- of all stripes -- opposed Vista Ridge.
The SAWS Act PAC needed 20,000 signatures to put the SAWS Accountability Act on the ballot. But the first wave of COVID got the best of us. Still, our volunteer petition drive collected 12,000+ signatures. This could be the makings for more cross-partisan organizing in Bexar County. We ask who will to pick up the torch where Bob and others left off?
We're keeping our fingers crossed as we mourn the loss of our friend, Bob Martin.
Bob's obituary and funeral details are forthcoming from HTA Board Member and friend, Janet Ahmad.