More and more Texans have smelled the coffee that groundwater is more valuable than oil, so why subsidize growth by benefiting water profiteers.

Smell the coffee, Texas, groundwater is more valuable than oil.
We need calls before HB 1066 hits the Senate Floor tomorrow, May 2!
Call tonight and leave a message…see the Fact Sheet on this bill below. And ask your family and friends to make a call too!
This Fact Sheet prepared by Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) and signed on to by SAWDF and the League of Independent Voters of Texas was provided today to all Senate offices.
SAWDF Director Andy Wier testified on this export permit renewal boondoggle for SAWDF late Monday night.
Chairman of the Senate Water & Rural Affairs Committee, Charles Perry (R-Lubbock) invited Andy to present the amendment we want by early the next morning. Andy, a Bastrop resident, stayed in Austin into the night to work on the amendment with the three groups, Judith McGeary at FARFA did the final drafts and Andy arrived back at the Senate by 8:30 Tuesday morning, amendments in hand to meet with the staff person for Perry’s Committee and Judith —- only to be told late yesterday, “Thanks but no thanks” by Sen. Perry.
Undaunted, Andy went to work on another important bill….but that’s a story for another Action Alert (or two) you might expect to see by end of week or early next week.
►Your calls to Sen. Kirk Watson (D-Austin & Bastrop), 512.463.0114, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Lee and Burleson), 512.463.0118 and Sen. Charles Schwertner (R-Milam), 512-463-0105 really do matter! Read the Fact Sheet and then tell your Senator tonight you OPPOSE HB 1066 because it blocks the public from participating in major permitting decisions that could significantly impact their property rights. Governor Abbott vetoed a virtually identical bill in the 2017 session for the same reason!