Do the Texas three-step to drain Vista Ridge.
This Texas Tribune piece today is about the “small” victory in stopping San Antonio Water System and their private partner (Central Texas Regional Water Supply Corporation a “non-profit” completely controlled by the financially troubled Abengoa) from accessing $885M in state funds passed by voters in 2013 (Prop 6). Not to be deterred, SAWS is still applying for $127M to integrate their water lines with Vista Ridge.
We need your help to turn this into a big victory!

Nov. 2015: Burleson County landowner and former Post Oak Savannah Groundwater District Board Member, Andy Hovorak, delivers 3300 signatures to San Antonio City Hall — from the “forced water donors” of Burleson, Milam, Lee, Bastrop and Bryan-College Station.
This coming Monday our state water financing agency – Texas Water Development Board – will consider allowing SAWS to submit a formal proposal for the $127M.
Please, right now, take three steps to finally drive a stake into the heart of the Vista Ridge (San Antone Hose) project:
Step One: Contact your state lawmakers (Texas House and Texas Senate) here. Ask them to contact the TWDB to urge them not to give SAWS any money for any part of Vista Ridge. More details here put out by friends in the environmental community.
Step Two: Give a few bucks to help us get a big crowd at our April 22 event in Burleson County — “The risks of the California Water Model to Texas” — and stream it so y’all can watch wherever you are. See the donate button or go here =====>
Step Three: Plan to join us on Monday at the Texas Water Development Board meeting in Austin. You can speak for three minutes — on Item 2. You must be there before 9:30 am. Here’s the agenda. Here’s the public comments protocol.
Monday’s Meeting is at 9:30 am (come early to sign in) in the William B. Travis Building, 1701 N. Congress Avenue, Room 1-111, Austin, Texas.
Don’t forget to join us at this event in Burleson County on April 22 – “The risks of the California Water Model to Texas“.
Reminder, our next conference call is this coming Monday, April 11 at 8 pm. Contact us for details at 512-213-4511 or